
Sabtu, 30 September 2017

Masih ada jalanMU (There is still Your Way) Chord and Lyrics - Edward Chen

English :There is still YOUR way
Chinese : 祢必為我開道路 Ni bi wei wo kai dao lu
Album : New Oriental Worship
Tahun : 2014

Translate by dr.Yoma Kristiani Tarukbua

Verse 1 :
Bukan kehendakku,
Its not what I want
Bu bing wo de yi nian
不 憑 我 的 意 念
namun kehendakMU
But what do You want
Zhi yin ni de zhi yi
只 因 祢 的 旨 意
        C#m            B         A
yang terjadi di setiap langkahku
that will be done in my life
fa sheng cheng jiu zai wo de sheng ming zhong
發 生 成 就 在 我 的 生 活 中

bukan rancanganku
Its not of my will
bu an wo de ji hua
不 按 我 的 計 劃
namun rancanganMU 
zhi yin NI de ji hua
But its Your will
只 因 祢 的 計 劃
         A                         B
yang terbaik di hidupku
The best thing in my life
cheng wei sheng ming zhong de zhu fu
成 為 生 命 中 的 祝 福

                           E                      B/Eb
Masih ada jalanMU TUHAN,
There is still Your Way for me, My God
SHANG DI bi ding wei wo kai dao lu
上 帝 必 定 為 我 開 道 路
Masih ada pengharapanku
There's still a hope for me, My Lord
Wo xin reng ran chong man zhe pan wang
我 心 仍 然 充 滿 著 盼 望
                       A                              E/G#
Saat ku bertahan dalam tekanan
dang wo bei fu zhong dan, ya li wu fa cheng dan
When I am keep holding on, under the pressure
當 我 背 負 重 擔,壓 力 無 法 承 擔
                        F#m              B
Pasti KAU beriku kemenangan
NI bi ding ci gei wo de sheng li liang
You will give me a Victory
祢 必 定 賜 給 我 得 勝 力 量

                             E                           C#m
Masih ada jalanMU TUHAN
There is still Your Way for me, My God
SHANG DI bi ding wei wo kai dao lu
上 帝 必 定 為 我 開 道 路
                                 C#m         E/B
Masih ada pengharapanku
There's still a hope for me, My Lord
wo xin reng ran chong man zhe pan wang
我 心 仍 然 充 滿 著 盼 望
                               A                                E/G#
saat ku menyembah kuasaMU bekerja
When I'm worship You, Your power its in me
dang wo quan xin jing bai NI da neng zheng yun xing
當 我 全 心 敬 拜, 祢 大 能 正 運 行
seumur hidupku YESUS
ni shi wo de wei yi, YESU
Forever in my life, Jesus
祢 是 我 的 唯 一
           B                    E
KAU yang kupercaya
ai NI zhi dao yong yuan
I trust in You
愛 祢 直 到 永 遠

There is still YOUR way
Translation in English by Yoma and Anet
Verse 1 :
Its not what I want
But what do You want
that will be done in my life

Its not of my will
But its Your will
The best thing in my life

There is still Your Way for me, My God
There's still a hope for me, My Lord
When I am keep holding on, under the pressure
You will give me a Victory

There is still Your Way for me, My God
There's still a hope for me, My Lord
When I'm worship You, Your power its in me
Forever in my life, Jesus
I keep trust in You

Edward Chen 陳國富 MASIH ADA JALANMU 祢必為我開道路
Edward Che NEW ORIENTAL WORSHIP Album Series from Edward Chen & Agne

New Song from Edward Chen... This song tells about how God can do miralces and also He can give you VICTORY when we endure our faith in times of troubles.

So, there is still WAY...there is still HOPE for all of us who trust in the Lord!

Keep worshiping God. Jesus Loves You all

Be blessed


Masih Ada Jalan-Mu (There is still Your Way)
Music and Lyrics by Edward Chen (c)2014 EC Music
Mandarin Translation by Magdalene Hsu, Angel Chou, Edward Chen

Verse :
不 憑 我 的 意 念

只 因 祢 的 旨 意

YANG TERJADI DI SETIAP LANGKAHKU (that happened in my life)
發 生 成 就 在 我 的 生 活 中

不 按 我 的 計 劃

只 因 祢 的 計 劃

YANG TER-BA-IK DI HI-DUP-KU (that is the best in my life)
成 為 生 命 中 的 祝 福


MASIH ADA JALANMU TUHAN (There is still the way of the Lord)
上 帝 必 定 為 我 開 道 路

MASIH ADA PENGHARAPANKU (still, there is hope for me)
我 心 仍 然 充 滿 著 盼 望

SAAT KUBERTAHAN DI DALAM TEKANAN (when I endure in pressure)
當 我 背 負 重 擔,壓 力 無 法 承 擔

PASTI KAU BERIKU KEMENANGAN (You will definitely give me Victory)
祢 必 定 賜 給 我 得 勝 力 量

MASIH ADA JALANMU TUHAN (There is still the way of the Lord)
上 帝 必 定 為 我 開 道 路

MASIH ADA PENGHARAPANKU (still, there is hope for me)
我 心 仍 然 充 滿 著 盼 望

SAAT KUMENYEMBAH KUASAMU BEKERJA (when i whole heartily worship, Thy mighty running)
當 我 全 心 敬 拜, 祢 大 能 正 運 行

SEUMUR HIDUPKU YESUS (in my whole life Jesus / You are the only One Jesus)
祢 是 我 的 唯 一

KAU YANG KU-PER-CA-YA ( Only You that I trust / Forever I Love You )
愛 祢 直 到 永 遠

Love Crisis

Solusi tv Ingatlah, jika Anda ingin hidup Anda dipenuhi kasih dan hidup dalam kepenuhan, jangan pernah menyimpan amarah. Yesus sanggup menyembuhkan masa lalu sekaligus memperbaiki masa depan

Bagaimana Cara Tetap Bersyukur di Masa Sulit?

Ferry Tjiang

Come to me and give your strength...

Solusi tv

Apakah Anda merasa tertekan? Ingatlah akan kasih setia Tuhan yang selalu baru setiap pagi, berharaplah kepadaNya.

Masih Ada JalanMu - Edward Chen. "Saat ku bertahan di dalam tekanan. pasti kau kan beriku kemenangan"

 Solusi tv
Langkah untuk beriman memang sulit, tapi percayalah Tuhan menghargai iman yang kita tunjukkan pada-Nya.

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