
Sabtu, 25 Februari 2017

Pengantar Bahasa Suku Asli Amerika [Latar Belakang]

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Tantangan dalam Marketing dan Pemasaran Seifuku Batik

Lucy Pop sebagai
Pemasaran indo

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Batik Seifuku Untuk Kita Semua !

Oleh Annette Hoc


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Menilik Sejarah Penggunaan Seragam Sekolah di Indonesia Eng : Tracing the History of Use of School Uniforms in Indonesia

" Dan corak warna abu pada seragam SMA menunjukkan kedewasaan dan ketenangan."

Pic. TAWUR by ReOn Comics Indonesia

Arifina Budi
Jumat, 12 Agustus 2016 16:50 WIB
0 Komentar

Pelajar sekolah di Indonesia tentu identik sekali dengan seragam dengan beragam corak warna dari berbagai jenjang pendidikan SD hingga SMA. Corak warna yang berbeda-beda tersebut lantas menjadi identitas tersendiri bagi setiap pelajar sekolah: warna merah-putih untuk jenjang SD, biru-putih untuk jenjang SMP, dan abu-putih untuk jenjang SMA. Bagi para siswa sekolah, penggunaan seragam ini ada yang merasa bahagia dan ada pula yang tidak menyukainya.

Seperti yang telah kita ketahui, di beberapa negara lain, pelajar tidak diwajibkan mengenakan seragam bahkan tidak ada aturan mengenakan seragam sekolah. Indonesia pun sebenarnya pernah menerapkan pakaian bebas ke sekolah, namun itu pada zaman dahulu kala tepatnya pada masa pendudukan kolonial Belanda.

Penggunaan seragam di Indonesia mulai gencar diterapkan pada masa pendudukan Jepang di tanah air. Namun, kala itu belum diberlakukan adanya corak warna untuk setiap jenjang pendidikan. Negara Jepang yang sarat dengan militeristik membawa nilai disiplin yang tinggi bagi masyarakat Indonesia, termasuk para pelajar.

Setelah Indonesia berhasil mendapatkan kemerdekaannya dari para penjajah dan Jepang angkat kaki dari tanah air, budaya berseragam sekolah ini masih terus diterapkan hingga sekarang. Karena sudah menjadi kebiasaan, akhirnya pada masa pemerintahan Presiden Soeharto tahun 1982 turunlah Surat Keputusan yang dikeluarkan oleh Ditjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah yang berisi tentang penggunaan seragam sekolah bagi para siswa, tepatnya pada 17 Maret 1982.

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SK tersebut bukan hanya berisi tentang penyeragaman pakaian sekolah, tetapi juga mengatur corak warna yang berlaku bagi tiap tingkatan sekolah di Indonesia sebagaimana yang dikenakan para pelajar sekolah Indonesia saat ini. Konon, aturan penggunaan seragam sekolah ini sesungguhnya juga dibuat untuk menutupi kesenjangan sosial antarsiswa.

Adapun pencetus gagasan corak warna dan aturan penggunaan seragam sekolah ini adalah Idik Sulaeman yang saat itu menjabat sebagai Direktur Pembinaan Kesiswaan di Ditjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah dengan masa periode 1979-1983. Idik yang merupakan alumni Pendidikan Seni Rupa Institut Teknologi Bandung ini juga merupakan pembuat lambang OSIS dan Paskibraka.

Penentuan warna pada seragam sekolah pun bukan tanpa arti.

Bagi siswa SD, seragam putih dengan bawahan merah melambangkan energi dan keberanian bagi siswa untuk belajar.

Sementara itu corak warna biru pada seragam SMP melambangkan komunikasi dan percaya diri karena pada masa-masa ini siswa SMP sedang dalam masa pengembangan kepercayaan diri.

Dan corak warna abu pada seragam SMA menunjukkan kedewasaan dan ketenangan.

「そして成熟さと静けさを示す高校の制服を着たグレーの色合い。」 インドネシアにおける学校制服の使用の歴史をたどります ブディArifina 2016年8月12日(金曜日)午前16時50午後 0コメント

インドネシアの学校の生徒は高校に小学校からの教育の様々なレベルの色の様々な色合いと均一で一度同義だろう。赤とSD用の白、SMP用の青と白、グレー、白、高校レベルへ:色の濃淡は、各学校の学生のための個別のアイデンティティになっ異なっています。学校の学生にとって、この均一の使用は幸せがある、いくつかは愛されていません。 私たちが見てきたように、他のいくつかの国では、学生があっても何の学校の制服のルール制服を着用しないする必要はありません。インドネシアは、実際には、これまで学校に自由に服を実装しましたが、それは正確にオランダの植民地支配の間に昔の時代にありました。 インドネシアの制服の使用が集中国の日本占領中に適用され始めました。しかし、それは教育のレベルごとに任意の色相を課していない場合。軍国主義的規律がロードされている日本の状態は、学生を含むインドネシアの人々のための高い価値をもたらします。 インドネシアは地下水から足を持ち上げるために植民地主義と日本からの独立性を確保した後、文化的な摩耗の学校の制服は、今日でも適用されています。それが習慣になっているので、最終的にはスハルト大統領の統治の間に1982年に1982年3月17日に、学生のための学校の制服の使用については含まれてい初等・中等教育総局が発行する政令の減少となりました。 また読みます ポプコンアジアでは、インドネシアクリエイティブ人材-才能はクリエイティブビジネスカップで競います 法令は、学校の服の均一性については含まれていますが、今日もインドネシアで高校生が着用するようにインドネシアの学校のすべてのレベルに適用される色相を調整するだけでなく。それによると、学校の制服の使用規則は、学生間の社会的格差をカバーするために作られた事実です。 学校の制服を使用するためのアイデアの色相とルールの発信元がIdikスライマンはその後、1979年から1983年の期間で初等・中等教育の学生総局の局長を務めています。テクノロジーの芸術教育バンドン大学卒業生ですIdikも生徒会とPaskibrakaメーカーのエンブレムです。 学校の制服の色の決意は意味がなかったわけではありません。 小学生の場合は、赤、下位と白のユニフォームは、エネルギーと学生が学ぶための勇気を象徴しています。 これらの時間に中学生が信頼醸成の期間であったため、SMPの制服の青いの一方の色合いは、コミュニケーションと信頼を象徴しています。 そして、成熟さと落ち着きを示す高校の制服にグレーの色合い。

"And the shades of gray in high school uniform showing maturity and serenity."

Tracing the History of Use of School Uniforms in Indonesia

Budi Arifina
Friday, August 12, 2016 16:50 pm

School students in Indonesia would once synonymous with uniform with various shades of colors of various levels of education from elementary to high school. Shades of color are different then became a separate identity for each school student: red and white for the SD, blue and white for the SMP, and gray-white to the high school level. For school students, the use of this uniform there are happy and some are not loved.

As we have seen, in some other countries, students are not required to wear a uniform even no school uniform rules. Indonesia was actually ever implement free clothes to school, but it was in the days of yore precisely during the Dutch colonial occupation.

The use of uniforms in Indonesia began intensively applied during the Japanese occupation in the country. However, when it has not imposed any hue for each level of education. Japanese state is loaded with militaristic discipline brings high value for the Indonesian people, including students.

After Indonesia secured its independence from the colonialists and Japanese to lift the foot from homeland, uniformed school culture is still being applied today. Because it has become a habit, eventually during the reign of President Soeharto in 1982 fell Decree issued by the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education, which contains about the use of school uniforms for students, on March 17, 1982.

The decree not only contains about uniformity of school clothes, but also adjust the hue that apply to all levels of schools in Indonesia as worn by high school students in Indonesia today. That said, the rules of the use of school uniforms is true also made to cover the social gap between students.

The originator of the idea hue and rules for the use of school uniforms are Idik Sulaiman then served as the Director of Student Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education with a time period of 1979-1983. Idik who are alumni Arts Education Bandung Institute of Technology is also the emblem of the student council and Paskibraka maker.

Determination of color in a school uniform was not without meaning.

For elementary school students, white uniforms with red subordinate symbolizes energy and courage for students to learn.

Meanwhile shades of blue on SMP uniform symbolizes communication and confidence because in these times junior high school students were in a period of confidence building.

And the shades of gray in high school uniform showing maturity and serenity.

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Kamis, 23 Februari 2017

Want to celebrate diversity and inclusion? Here’s how!

Stand up against discrimination and injustice.
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Immigrants and refugees welcome here. That includes the internet.


Post a photo with "My family comes from ______" to reduce anti-refugee hate speech online.

The world refugee crisis is affecting people of all ages: of the 20 million refugees, half are under the age of 18.

Refugees and immigrants face enormous discrimination all over the world, and that includes online. This kind of xenophobia is a threat to people we know and love -- after all, most of us have friends or family who are immigrants.

Here's an easy and impactful way to show solidarity. Post a photo holding a sign that says, "My family comes from ________" and fill in the blank with your family's place of origin. We'll provide powerful captions to help you strengthen your voice.

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Rabu, 22 Februari 2017

New resource for pregnancy massage



My name is Mark McKenna and I am conducting an awareness campaign for pregnancy massage. Pregnancy massage is a slow, soothing and calming massage for the various stages of pregnancy after the first trimester. Not only is it a highly relaxing treatment, it also helps to alleviate side effects such as backaches and swelling. When I was researching pregnancy massage, I noticed you currently link to pregnancy and parenting related websites.


Is it possible for you to update your website to also link to information I provide on pregnancy massage? If this is possible, please insert the below:


Bodywork Massage

Lubna at Body Work Massage offers free help and guidance for women who can benefit from pregnancy massage.


You don’t link to any resources on this topic at the moment and I feel adding the link could really aid your website users. I really appreciate your help to better promote the benefits of pregnancy massage.


Many thanks,


Mark McKenna


Tel: 07904 786 888




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Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017

Over 50% have caught up today!

Over 50% have caught up on their learning today!

Hi AnnetteHoc11,

Over 50% of your class on Memrise who missed the last two days have already caught up today!

Let's see if we can get the whole classs learning today! It'll only take 5 minutes to catch them up.



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Rabu, 15 Februari 2017

Too busy to learn a new language?

Are you too busy to learn a new language?

Hi AnnetteHoc11,

If we don't have much time to spare, we sometime think we shouldn't bother even starting to learn a new language. But playing Memrise for just 5 minutes a day teaches you over 1,500 words and phrases in a year - covering over 85% of spoken language!

Download our iOS or Android app and you can make use of any spare moments to get learning - queuing for coffee, sitting on the bus, or waiting for your next class. Even 1 minute a day is enough to make progress!

So download the app and get started!

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Senin, 13 Februari 2017

DRAFT Start your New year with a resolution worthy of a health pro

Start your New year with a resolution worthy of a health pro
By Ryan Hatoum @rhatoum

Dec 29, 2016 ·
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

This time of year, your average ate-too-many-holiday-cookies Joes and Janes aren’t the only ones making resolutions to improve their health. Health professionals make resolutions for the new year, too.

We asked UCLA Health doctors, nurses, dietitians, and other experts about their goals for 2017. At the top of their lists were resolutions about not just making better food choices, but also mindfulness, disconnecting from technology, and fostering connection with loved ones.

Take a look. Perhaps you’ll find a new way to welcome the upcoming year.



Read more books and read less Facebook.

Dr. Nancy Wayne, professor of physiology and associate vice chancellor for research at the David Geffen School of Medicine
Make the effort to pick up the phone and call others, rather than text.

Dr. Gregory Henderson, clinical instructor of dermatology at the David Geffen School of Medicine and physician at UCLA Health-Palos Verdes

Connecting with loved ones

Spend more quality time talking with my husband, and avoid the trap of sitting on the couch on our computers after the kids go to bed. Also, to hug and love my 12-year-old Labrador every day, since this could be our last year together. He’s always around, but he’s easy to forget with three little kids and a full-time job.

Dr. Leena Nathan, obstetrician-gynecologist at UCLA Health-Westlake Village
Be the best father I can be for my two little girls.

Dr. Jaco Festekjian, professor of plastic and reconstructive surgery at the David Geffen School of Medicine, whose family is expecting a third child at the end of March

Staying active

Spread the word that exercise is medicine. It’s one of the best lifestyle modifications for optimal health and well-being, including osteoporosis prevention and management.

Dr. Aurelia Nattiv, professor in departments of family medicine and orthopaedic surgery at the David Geffen School of Medicine
Take advantage of the beautiful Los Angeles weather and take my exercise routine outside (with sun protective clothing and sunscreen of course).

Dr. Hayley Goldbach, a resident physician in dermatology at UCLA Health
Take walks around campus to enjoy the fresh air, and spread the word on free resources like the California Smoker’s Helpline for those who are trying to quit smoking.

Linda Sarna, dean of the UCLA School of Nursing

Improving nutrition

Prepare more meals for the week ahead of time on Sundays so I’m not stressing out at the last minute. I plan to use a new erase board on my fridge to write down meal ideas and groceries I need to buy – with a preference for produce from local farmers’ markets. I also want to try one new plant-based recipe every month.

Erin Morse, chief clinical dietitian at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
Eat a lower footprint diet – one that is lower in water use and carbon emissions. I already eat a low footprint, plant-based diet, but I want to continue to work even harder to lower it. I want to keep teaching others about the health and environmental benefits of plant-based diets as well!

Dana Hunnes, senior dietitian at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and adjunct assistant professor at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
Eat more mindfully in 2017.

Dr. Edmond Hewlett, professor of restorative dentistry and associate dean for outreach and diversity at the UCLA School of Dentistry

Learning a thing or two

Explore more culture in the city by visiting museums and seeking out music and art.

Dr. Andrew Goldstein, assistant professor of molecular biology and member of UCLA’s Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
Read three to four books that are not directly related to my profession. I also want to develop a new interest or hobby.

Emanuel Maidenberg, professor of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at the David Geffen School of Medicine


Finish writing my book dispelling hyped-up health myths.

Dr. Nina Shapiro, professor of head and neck surgery at the David Geffen School of Medicine
I want to spread the message to patients that to a kidney transplant surgeon, the kidney is always pink. Your best match may be from someone of a different race or religion.

Dr. Jeffrey Veale, director of the UCLA Kidney Transplant Exchange Program
Build a support network for living kidney donors. These amazing people have made a huge difference in the health of others. The kidney exchange program and minimally-invasive surgeries have made it possible for many healthy people to facilitate a kidney transplant for even the most complex patients with end-stage renal disease.

Dr. H. Albin Gritsch, surgical director of the kidney and pancreas transplant program

UCLA Health experts' resolutions are as diverse as the experts themselves. As we move forward into the New Year, let’s all resolve to do our part to make our community a healthier – and happier – place.

Tags: Dana Hunnes, diet, dieting, dietitian, dietitians, diets, Dr Andrew Goldstein, Dr Aurelia Nattiv, Dr Edmond Hewlett, Dr Gregory Henderson, Dr H Albin Gritsch, Dr Hans A Gritsch, Dr Hayley Goldbach, Dr Jeffrey Veale, Dr Leena Nathan, Dr Nancy Wayne, Dr Jaco Festekjian, Dr Nina Shapiro, Emanuel Maidenberg, Erin Morse, expert advice, experts, health professionals, Linda Sarna, new year, New Year's, new years resolutions, Nutrition, resolutions

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11 Februari 2017 | Kasih Memampukan Kita Melakukan Pengendalian Diri

In Correspondance with Meivie Holy Mamahit

Comment :

What this verse is saying, that nothing that is evil intended to destroy you, it will never come near you, for God is with you. The whole world can come down on you, and nothing will come near you nor your dwelling. God is protecting you, and has given his Angels charge over you to protect you at all given times. Rest assure that with God's promises, one can live peaceably, for he trustworthy of his own words. He is the way, the truth and the life.

[2/11, 1:42 PM]

FKM12 - Meivie: Bsabar ka.. bwa smua ke Tuhan saja ka Anet..

Tetap kuat ka .... ttp fokus ke Tuhan saja ka"

Tetap kasihi dia ka.. sperti Tuhan mengasihi trg ... ☝����

Ada pokok doa yg bsa didoakan ka Anet ?

[2/11, 1:44 PM]

アンネってAnnette Hoc:



Saya rasa itulah jawaban yang terpenting. kta ada jawab itu pake kuasa Roh Kudus. Diatas Kebebasan, Kristuslah yang terpenting dari segalannya, non

Tanpa Kasih kita tak bisa berbuat apa-apa Meivie.... karena "Kasih memampukan kita melakukan Pengendalian Diri". Tentang bagaimana cara kita bersikap bukan hanya ditentukan oleh pola pikir kita sendiri. Melainkan Hikmat yang diberikan oleh Allah Bapa Surgawi

FKM12 - Meivie: Iya benar skli kak..

Thankyou ka. Sgt mmberkati kita jg ����

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