
Jumat, 09 September 2016

Souseiki 1:1–Japanese Bible

Nihon Kibou–Hope for Japan

Why Can't Japan be the Land of the Risen Son?

So I have been meaning to study Japanese more, and I also happen to have a blog about Japan and Christianity, AND a desire to read the Bible every day. So why not put all these together into one? Not sure if I can do this every day, but I wanted to give it a shot. I’ll include a Bible verse (today from The Living Bible Japanese paraphrase), and then go over vocabulary and other notes.


耶稣 = ジェス、イェス

ジェス   -   さま

J   e  su       sa ma

イエス   ー  さま

Y  e  su        sa  ma

“Kamisama” is the word Christians use for “God” (it’s the generic word for “god” or “spiritual being” plus “sama,” which is a very respectful suffix of address, kind of like saying “Master God, Tuhan Pencipta, Tuhan Penguasa”).

神様/kamisama= Dear Lord God, Tuhan Yang Mulia

God, or “honorable god”




The Living Bible in Japanese


そうせいき  いしょう いせつ

Souseiki ishou isetsu

Genesis 1:1

Souseiki 1:1

Kejadian 1:1

So I have been meaning to study Japanese more, and I also happen to have a blog about Ja

Here we go!

ま だ    何     も   な い  時、

Mada nani  mo   nai  toki,

      神様       は    天   と   地   お

Kamisama  wa  ten   to  chi  o

を   造 りに な り ま  し  た。

Tsu ku ri ni na ri   ma shi ta

Mada nani mo nai toki, kamisama wa ten to chi o tsukuri ni narimashita.

Pada mulanya Allah menjadikan langit dan bumi

At the beginning, God create heaven and earth


章 shou=しょう   chapter/pasal

節 setsu= せつ verse/ayat

Souseiki 1:2


souseiki ishou nisetsu

Kejadian pasal 1 ayat 2

Genesis 1:2

2  地球     は   ま だ     形   が

  Chikyuu  wa ma da kata ga

定      ま   ら ず   やみ   に

Sada ma ra  zu   yami  ni

お おわ   れ  た    水    の上を、

O  o   wa re  ta  mizu no ue o

さ ら に      神様       の  霊   が

Sa ra ni kamisama  no  rei  ga

     お   お っ て い  ま  し   た。

     O   o     t   te  i  ma  shi   ta

chikyuu wa mada kata ga sadamarazu yami ni oowareta mizu no ue o, sara ni kamisama no rei ga ootteimashita.

Souseiki 1:4, 5



Apparently, in Japanese, at least for the Living Bible paraphrase, verses 4 and 5 are combined. I didn’t find The Living Bible in English online, so I used the NIV. Let’s go over the vocabulary:

そ  れ  を    見  て、

So  re  wo  mi  te

      神様        は   大     い

Kamisama   wa dai     i

に 満        足   し、

ni man zoku  shi

  光       と  や  み  とを  区別

Hikari  to  ya  mi  to wo kubetsu

し    ま   し  た。

Shi  ma shi  ta

Sore wo mite, kamisama wa ookii ni manzoku shi, hikari to yami to wo kubetsu shimashita.

God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.

し   ば  ら  く  の  あ い  だ

Shi  ba  ra  ku  no  a   i   da

   光      は  そ  の   ま   ま

hikari  wa  so  no  ma  ma

      輝     き      続      け、

Kagaya  ki  tsutzu   ke

や  が  て、も   う   一    度

Ya  ga  te ,  mo  u   ichi    do

や み  に

Ya mi ni

閉 ざさ  れ ま    し    た。

To za sa re ma  shi     ta

Shibaraku no aida hikari wa sono mama kagayaki tsutzuke, yagate, mou ichido yami ni tozasaremashita.

     神様        は      光         を

Kamisama   wa   hikari   wo



や  み  を    「夜」

ya  mi  wo    yoru

と  名  づ    け  ま    し   た。

to  na  tzu  ke  ma  shi   ta

kamisama wa hikari wo “hiru”, yami wo “yoru” to natzukemashita.

God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.”

昼     と  夜      が  で  き て、

hiru  to  yoru  ga  de  ki te

一    日  目    は   終わ  りです。

Ichi  ni  me  wa  o  wa ri de  su

hiru to yoru ga dekite, ichinichime wa owari desu.

Jadilah terang dan gelap itulah hari pertama

And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Sent from my android device.

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