Gua ngerasa boring aja kalo cuma bisa nulis pake huruf Alfabetical di Laptop gua, paling kalo pake huruf mandarin Cuma bisa pas waktu ngetik sms di hape. Jiah kasian… skill bahasa gua kagak kepake. Tapi khan kalo hanya di Hape khan terbatas, saying yah…. Ya…. Ya… selalu itu yang terjadi. ***Hiks…. Kalo hape gua yang canggih dulu bisa sich, tapi yaah…. Hape gua yang sekarang Jadul punya, bwahahahaa (Nokia 3120) Jadi kagak bisa. Itupun kalo mo pake huruf mandarin harus ngeganti bahasa. Yah nambah masalah baru deh, FORGETTED IT ALL!!!!****
One Day…..
“”Hmm email notification dari Twitter, ngapain yah account ini follow gua. Udah ah coba liat account pagenya… Penasaran juga nih””
Site Official
“”Artikel apa ini…. Language installer, gotcha!!! Lumayan nih…. Simpan aja deh, coba aja besok mo diliat di kamar
Mozilla Firefox->File-> Save Page As
Beberapa jam Kemudian
Adding Chinese Input methods (IME)
Chinese input methods will allow you to use Pinyin or Zhuyin for typing Chinese characters. It also supports Traditional or simplified character sets.
Step 1:
Go to start->control panel and then click on "change keyboards and other methods"
Step 2:
Click "change keyboards..." and then "add". You should then see a list of chinese input types.
I prefer the “Microsoft Pinyin New Experience Input St” under “Chinese simplified PRC”. This input type has fuzzy logic built-in which will show you a list of possible characters when you type in the pinyin and the tone number. It also supports both Traditional and Simplified characters.
Now It’s the Time to Practise!!!!!!!!!!
Action!!!!! Begin in Network Annette Life Story
Start->Control Panel
Start->Control Panel
Language In taskbar
Language Bar Screenshot
Practised by Network_Annette Based tutorial from Mandarin Flash
PS: You can do this step too for Added for another language Examples like Japanese, Korean, Taiwan and more you want….
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